For when you are going through a challenging time
Sa Ta Na Ma mantra and mudra // Settling + Centring + Soothing (13 minutes)
Share the comfort with the discomfort meditation (13 minutes)
Breathe easy // A variation of windmill breathing for when you are over thinking and overwhelmed (13 minutes)
Anahata breath // Gently open + flow your heart with ease (16 minutes)
May all beings be happy and free mantra // Send some love into the world (18 minutes)
Rest and release // Crocodile + Pentacle (18 minutes)
Waves of peace relaxation // a moving relaxation for when you are feeling disregulated and struggling to slow down (28 minutes)
Waves of peace moving relaxation // (30 minutes)
Release exhaustion // Crocodile + Pentacle + Relaxation + Mini Meditation (50 minutes)
Ground and flow // Crocodile pose + earth sequence + relaxation for when you have been thrown off balance and need some extra support and deep rest (52 minutes)
Calm and comfort // Gentle warm ups + waves of peace relaxation + meditation for when you feel off balance and need some extra support (55 minutes)
Settle overwhelm // Unwinding + windmill breathing + gentle lower back releasing + waves of peace relaxation for when your overwhelmed and anxious. (55 minutes)
Hold your centre // Modified energy block release 4 + relaxation to remind you that you can remain calm at all times (1 hour)
Empower yourself // The power sequence + relaxation for when you could use a confidence and energy boost (1 hour)
Soothe your heart // Gentle heart opening floor yoga + relaxation (1 hour 2 minutes)
Deep roots = strength // Unwinding on the floor + Tree flow + relaxation + mini meditation (1 hour)
Anchor inward // Salutation to the 4 directions + relaxation (1 hour 2 minutes)
Nurture your body, mind and heart // Gentle warm ups + feet up on chair movements and rest + relaxation + mini mantra meditation using Mala for when your nervous system needs some extra TLC (1 hour 5 minutes)
Release frustration // Tapping + EFT tapping + scoops + Energy Block Release 5 + Anahata breath + Forward bend + Restorative fish pose + a quick relaxation (1 hour 8 minutes)
The beauty of yoga is it is for everybody. Everyone’s body is unique and has different capabilities. A good motto for our practise is ‘no pain no pain’. You should enjoy a stretch but it should never be a strain. Please take full responsibility, respect yourself and listen to your body. This is intended to be gentle yoga so never move to your end limits or push yourself. Pushing yourself beyond your limits blocks the energetic benefits so you will gain more by doing less. Please seek medical advice for any existing conditions prior to commencing.